Friday, December 21, 2012

Russian woman keeps alien corpse chilling in fridge for two years

The 61cm-long ‘creature’ was allegedly found by Marta Yegorovnam near the flaming wreckage of a crashed UFO beside her summer house in the Russian city of Petrozavodsk.
She claims to have heard a deafening crash one evening in 2009 but when she went outside to investigate, found that ET had not survived.
Ms.Yegorovnam then lovingly wrapped the creature in plastic and shoved it in the fridge, not uttering a word to anyone.
The remains have apparently been examined by the Karelian Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences, although this has not been confirmed.
Paranormal writer Michael Cohen said the ‘possibility that this might be a genuine alien should not be  discounted’.
But astronomer Dr Ian Griffin told Metro: ‘If aliens were smart enough to travel vast distances between the stars, they’re probably smart enough to avoid being stored in a fridge for two years.’
Fortean Times editor David Sutton added: ‘The alien in the 1951 movie of The Thing was a super-intelligent vegetable, so who knows?’

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